Monday, September 21, 2015

Ruben Urrea Moreno

"Before the Migration"

Ruben Urrea Moreno from Tucson, did his print at New Grounds Print Workshop and Gallery (Albuquerque).

Ruben Urrea Moreno 
created his woodblock at home in Tucson

Japanese and American cutting knives

Regina Held, 
received the print

Ren Adams printed the edition

New Grounds is a non-toxic print shop,
and favors water-based inks.
Several colors of Akua inks were mixed
to create a burnt umber color

Regina Held, director,
delivering the editions
in Albuquerque

Ruben signing
in Tucson

3 TP  -- Trial Proofs  (TP I/III)
1 BAT -- Bon a Tirer Proof
1 PP -- Printers Proof   
5 AP -- Artist Proofs   (AP I/V)
50 Edition prints    (1/50)
13 Tear prints      (paint or throw away)

We did a pop-up gallery, 
showing the YayBig Southwest prints 
at New Grounds for one night,

UPDATE (October 2018):

Ruben's print was found hanging at the Tucson Museum of Art!

Ruben's print in the gallery
of the Tucson Museum of Art