Pavel and the model for the print,
to do his print for the Desert Triangle)
We met Pavel and daughter,
Deborah Cool-Flowers drove her Laguna etching press out from El Paso to Riverside, and gave it to Pavel, to do this edition and more magnificent prints.
Laguna etching press
Loading up the etching press,
in a U-Haul
in El Paso, Texas
drove her press out to Riverside, California,
to give it to Pavel
Arriving in Riverside,
and putting the press back together
Adjusting the press
Deborah's husband, Jim Cool (far left),
Deborah, and Pavel (far right)
Ready to print!
Pavel signing the prints
Pavel has been using his new press
to make many more prints,
including this self-portrait
Even Pavel's daughter,
used the press to make a leaf print
Collaborative mural in Riverside,
Pavel painted the big female face
Pavel also painted this mural earlier
in Oaxaca.
His style would lend itself
Pavel also participated in the
Update: Pavel is shaking it up in Los Angeles. A lot of the following info is also on another post --
with Mat Gleason
Note: His Desert Triangle print in the background
in Los Angeles
Opening May 14th, 2016
runs until June 4th, 2016
Group show at Self Help Graphics
in Los Angeles
Opening May 12, 2016
up until June 10th
Also Pavel was
interviewed on KUCR, the radio station for the University of California at Riverside.
UPDATE (Sept 2017):
Pavel's print is now part of the permanent collection of the
Riverside Museum of Art in California. Moreover, it is currently displayed on the web banner, and also hung in the museum.
From the banner
Pavel's print hung