Preparing for Print Demos in Las Cruces

We are preparing for print demos in Las Cruces, related to our opening on November 1st, 2019, at the Las Cruces Museum of Art, for the Desert Triangle Print Carpeta exhibition.

We had a image laser cut at CRUCES CREATIVES, a maker space in Las Cruces, which will serve as a woodblock to make relief prints.  We copied an image by Meño Miranda from Guadalajara, and the original linoleum sheet was used to make prints on the streets of Tlaquepaque, in Guadalajara, on a tortilla press.  The image is a nod to Horned Toad Prints of El Paso (Director Manuel Guerra, as well as members Raul Monarrez and Francisco Delgado, have prints in the Desert Triangle).

Woodblock ready for printing,
after being laser cut --
image by Meño Miranda

Reese Luckie
laser cutting the woodblock at Cruces Creatives

Tres Gatos Press of Guadalajara, pioneered the large tortilla press, and we hope to laser cut some of their images too, making a symbolic link between the printmakers of the US and Mexico, which we started with the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange, and hope to continue.

We can hand print the laser cut woodblocks, with the PRINT FROG barens, made by Iron Frog Press in Dallas.  We met Matt Bagley, who runs Iron Frog Press with his wife Sharon Neel-Bagley, in Fort Worth during the North Texas SGCI Conference in 2019.

TAKACH PRESS in Albuquerque, sells Akua Ink and special paper, that might work well with hand made prints with the Print Frog.  We will find out!


We had 2 more woodblocks laser cut at QueLab, the hackerspace in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  They are from 3 Gatos Press, of Guadalajara, which puts on the tortilla press printmaking on the streets of Guadalajara, as see above.  The blocks are by Xavier Moreno and Alejandra Mares, who also participated in the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange.

JT and JJ
laser cutting the woodblocks at QueLab

Laser cutting at QueLab

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