Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Printmakers Update 2019 -- Part 1

This is the first look at what some of the Desert Triangle printmakers have done recently.


Jorge Perez, aka Yorch, has finished his bus sculpture in Ciudad Juarez -- "Ser Fronterizo" -- which was inaugurated on March 14, 2019.

"Ser Fronterizo" monument
in Ciudad Juarez

(near the Francisco Villa sculpture)

There are a lot more photos on Yorch's Instagram,


Jesus Alvarado, aka Cimi, painted a mural on the outside of the El Paso Museum of Art, which he begun during Chalk the Block 2018.

Outside view of the El Paso Museum of Art

New Cimi mural 
behind Mata Grocery in El Paso


Los Dos and Jellyfish painted a mural on the side of the Mexic-Arte Museum in Austin, in 2018, during the Desert Triangle exhibition there.  The mural was later animated by Augment El Paso.

Federico Villalba recently co-curated a photography exhibition -- Alchemy of Light and Dark Moments -- at Galeria Cinco Puntos in El Paso.   Photos from the exhibition found their way into THE Magazine of Santa Fe, the May 2019 issue, in an article about the art of El Paso and Juarez.

Manuel Guerra

Manuel Guerra organized a second Horned Toad Print Exchange,  which was exhibited at Galeria Cinco Puntos (the inauguration exhibit) and in Silver City during the Southwest Print Fiesta 2018, as well as in Oaxaca and other venues.  

Other Desert Triangle artists in the print exchange are Francisco Delgado, Raul Monarrez, Pavel Acevedo, YorchHenry Morales and Krrrl.


Raul Monarrez had an exhibition at Joe Vinny and Bronson's Bohemian Cafe in El Paso in May/June 2019. 

Manuel Guerra and Marco Sanchez 
relaxing under Raul's artwork

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